We take quality seriously, Our factories are ISO9001 certificated. We have Quality inspectors in each of our factories with the highest quality inspection standard in our industry. We will make sure all details meets our standard before shipped.
At Greenpac the price you see online is the price you pay! We do not charge our customers huge admin fees.
Our large production capacity enables us to purchase materials and technology at the most competitive prices. These great prices are passed on directly to our customers. We also offer best price promise policy which guarantee you wont pay more from us.
We make our ordering process simple, all ordering process is online and once you confirm your order and send us your artwork, we will do the rest for you.
We love great design and believe it can work wonders for every business.We like to think a little differently to help our customers stand out - by inventing products
Our Australia-wide service is backed by industry-leading turnaround times.We had 2 container shipments and 5 air shipments coming from our offshore factories every months. For urgent order, we have stock items available for delivery within 3-7 working days.
We can deliver to anywhere within Australia with an address. If you have your retail stores or having a trade show and conference oversea , our Hongkong office could handle the delivery directly to the oversea destination.
No jobs too big or too small, we understand the needs for small business and startups. So our MOQ starts with 50 pcs.
*All logos and brands shown in this website are purely for illustrative purposes only. All logos and brands shown are copyright and trademark of their respective owners.